House Lifters is the only New Zealand company providing a complete Residential Floor levelling and Foundation levelling service:
House Lifters’ extremely accurate floor level results are due to our expertise, equipment and engineered designs. Our Levelling work has included challenging Hill Sites, TC3 sections, and coastal properties for Flood Management/Flood Protection. House Lifters' Commercial division, Meccanico, also also undertakes Commercial foundation levelling projects, such as multi-unit complexes, buildings and offices.
House Lifters runs their jobs in a professional manner, using high-performing equipment, with good quality systems. The resulting finished levels are as good as can be achieved; from our experience we have not seen any other contractor consistently achieve the finished floor levels that House Lifters are.
Sam Richards - Managing Director, Richards Consulting Engineers
House Lifters does NOT use Bottle Jacks - they point load foundations, are inaccurate and very slow to work with. In order to perform our work as accurately, efficiently and safely as possible, House Lifters invested heavily in the very best kit.
We commissioned a team of Engineers to custom-design unique Levelling equipment:
Every Lift is designed and calculated specifically for each Levelling project, by one of House Lifters’ Engineers. Our Contractors and Engineers supply PS1, PS3 and PS4 Producer Statements - confirming all works comply with the Building Code.
A unique, Patented system far superior to other Levelling methods. Working in partnership with Armadillo™, House Lifters can install re-levellable Jacking Pads for Type B and Type C Foundations. If required in the future, adjustable-height props can be used to re-level the foundation wall, without major works.
Very Light: Armadillo™ Jacking Pads are only 25 kg each. Apart from some grout between the bottom of the Foundation walls and the ground, no extra weight is added.
For conventional single storey dwellings with Type B foundations, the total load transferred by the Foundation walls to the soil, is around 500 kN (50 tons). When concrete pads are used, this load can become 600 kN (60 tons)!
Faster: Foundation walls can be re-levelled and propped in just one day, and concrete pads don’t need to be cured.
House Lifters excavates around the perimeter to gain access under the Foundations, then we install and commission our engineered Truss Beam system, on top of the concrete floor/slab.
The floor and foundations are then carefully lifted as one - a very precise, controlled process (unlike traditional methods, which can damage the floor and slabs as they’re lifted). The floor is re-levelled then grout is pumped in, to fill voids in the foundations.
GPR Scan - Ground Penetrating Radar: A vital part of House Lifters’ Quality Assurance before sign-off. After Levelling the concrete slab, we use GPR to scan it and ensure there aren’t any voids under the slab. GPR is non-destructive; it uses electromagnetic radar pulses to image subsurface structures and detect reflected signals.
House Lifters excavates around the perimeter to gain access under the Foundations. The perimeter beam is lifted, then we ‘Jack and Pack’ all the piles. We then produce a Post-Level Survey, and a PS3 (Producer Statement) confirming all works are compliant with the Building Code. A Memorandum (Record of Works) will also be completed by a Licensed Building Practitioner.
Learn more: see House Lifters full website
House Lifters can re-level your property with Screw Piles. Unlike other companies, to install our screws we can use a specialised hand-held machine with the same torque comparison as a 5 tonne digger, to get under the soffits and into very hard to reach places. We then use the screws as bearings, to lift the house foundation off.
Ground screws are safe, sustainable, cost-effective screw piling (earth anchoring): no digging, concrete filling or welding required. Perfect for shallow foundations, TC1, TC2 and TC3 land.
House Lifters also offers a full Building Inspection service - particularly important for ‘As Is Where Is ’ properties.
The Building Inspection Report can also include a ZIPLEVEL® Survey and Analysis, with floor plan. Unlike rotary lasers, ZIPLEVEL® altimeters are a very quick and extremely precise way to measure and read elevations, over any distance or elevation.
House Lifters’ precision and innovation have been recognised by offshore companies, who approach us for Levelling advice and potential assistance.
Our ingenious Mechanical Jacking systems are recognised internationally for pin-point accuracy - earning our reputation for having the best team and Levelling equipment in New Zealand.
House Lifters Directors, Rod Moore and Stuart Moore, have a wealth of Residential and Commercial construction and Levelling experience. Our team also includes Registered Engineers, Designers, and Licensed, Platinum Certified Builders.
View the full House Lifters website
Freephone: 0508 LIFTERS
South Island head office:
31 Battersea Street, Sydenham, Christchurch 8023
North Island head office:
31 Marau Crescent, Mission Bay, Auckland 1071